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How to Change Case in Excel

There are functions in Excel for UPPER, LOWER and PROPER Cases. Here you add the capability to change strings to the SENTENCE case also.

Tips on how to copy formulas acurately in excel

Learn every method to copy formula in excel either with absolute or relative references, down a column, to another column without changing references etc.

Let's learn the correct way to create an Excel Macro

The easiest method to create a macro in excel is to use the “Record Macro” feature. Alternatively, we can write macros with VBA codes Let's learn everything!.

How to install Custom functions and Addins in Excel

Make your own Excel Add-in! Read and learn how user-defined custom functions in excel or macros make available to each workbook you open.

Excel Drop Down Menu - Best Practices in creating a drop down menu in Excel

Learn to add a drop down menu to select inputs to a cell from a predefined list by using data validation feature.

How to use Excel Analysis ToolPak and How to Activate

Get a quick overview on Excel Analysis ToolPak where you can do ANOVA test, descriptive statistics, generating histograms and regression analysis.

Sorting and Filtering Data in Excel

Sorting can be done in ascending or descending order based on a single column or multiple columns. Filtering allows users to view specific data based on criteria, such as dates, text, or numerical values. Excel also provides advanced filtering options, such as filtering by color or by using complex criteria.

Excel function NETWORKDAYS

You can use the NETWORKDAYS function to calculate the number of days between the start and end dates of a project, or to determine how many days are left in a certain time period.

Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel

Learn shortcuts that will improve your excel skills and save your time

Most useful Excel Tips

Learn 15 excel tips that will improve your excel skills and save your time

Health plan comparison with Actuarial Value Calculator (AV Calculator)

Introduction This calculator helps you to compare different health plans and decides what is more beneficial to you

How to create a Pivot Table in Excel?

This guide will be very easy and useful for you to understand the essential steps of how to create a Pivot Table

How to use IF function in excel

Learn in how to use IF function in two minutes!. Video Lesson includes.

Importing and Exporting in Excel- beginner's guide for data analysts

Explore the basics of importing and exporting data in Excel, including file formats, importing data from external sources, exporting data to external sources, and best practices for data import/export.

What is Pivot Table feature in Excel ?

Learn to use power of Pivot Table feature available in Excel for data analyzing and summarizing.

How Does Ransomware Threaten Your Information?

How to be safe against Ransomware Attacks based on my personal experience!

How to work with non printing characters in Microsoft word

Learn everything you need to know about non printing characters in Microsoft word.

Single variable data table in excel - Sensitivity Table with examples

Excel data tables can be used to get a set of outcomes for selected formulas for different values. Follow this guide and become master of data tables

PMT function in Excel – 5 Minute Easy Guide

PMT function in excel can be easily used to get total loan payment per period assuming equal payment and constant interest rate.

Regression analysis in Excel- Simply Explained [With Examples]

Simple step by step tutorial on how to do a regression analysis in Microsoft Excel and how to interpret the regression output with basic overview on regression theory.

How to get Excel column letter from match

Easily find and return the column letter of an Excel cell with the COLUMN() function or CELL() function combined with the MATCH() function or a logical expression

Excel obtiene el número de fila de un valor coincidente o según un criterio

Encuentre y devuelva fácilmente el número de fila de una celda de Excel con la función ROW() o la función CELL() combinada con la función MATCH() o una expresión lógica

How to return row number of a matching cell

Easily find and return the row number of an Excel cell with the ROW() function or CELL() function combined with the MATCH() function or a logical expression

Build your own soccer prediction application

If you are betting on soccer matches, I will guide you to build a simple soccer prediction application for yourself in Microsoft Excel.

Quickest ways to switch between excel sheets or tabs

Learn various strategies for fast switching between sheets in Excel starting from manual selection, to more complicated options such VBA .

Two Variable Data Table In Excel – Easy 4 Step Guide

Excel two variable Data Tables are used to evaluate the results of a calculation formula for different combination of values for two variables. Learn More...

Insert a USB Plug Super Efficiently!

Can you insert a USB plug into USB port at once every time? If you can't same as me, then this tutorial is just for US!

View code in excel macro and easily modify as you wish

There are three methods to view the the Macro Code in Excel. If you follow any of the method then you can view and edit macro code in Excel